Bell Schedule

Pattison Volunteer Guidelines

Entering/Exiting the Building:

  • Bring your ID! You must show your ID to the camera in the front entry area (to your right).
  • Check in with the front office staff. Let them know you are here to volunteer and get your Raptor badge. (The staff helps us log our on-campus volunteer hours.)
  • Wear your volunteer badge at all times. Your badge lets everyone know you are checked in and approved to be in the school.
  • Enter and exit through the front door only.
  • Do not wander through the building. Please stay in your area of volunteering.
  • When leaving, give your Raptor badge to the front desk. They will check you out and log your hours.

Parking Restrictions:

  • Do not park in a reserved spot with a sign with someone’s name or position.
  • Do not park in a fire zone or block a crosswalk.

Dress Code:

  • Dress appropriately by adhering to the same dress guidelines as our students and staff members.

Phone Etiquette:

  • Have your phone on “silent/vibration” mode while on campus and limit cell phone usage to prevent teaching distractions.


  • Please use appropriate language at all times and do not make any comments to any children that may be considered inappropriate.
  • Conversations heard while at school should remain confidential.
  • Be respectful of other parents, staff, and students.
  • Do not congregate in the halls, outside of classroom doors, or offices.
  • Respect the teacher’s time. All personal concerns should be scheduled at a parent conference. Do not go into your child’s classroom unless that is where you are scheduled to volunteer. During class time, please do not distract your child or interrupt instructional time. This time is precious to our teachers and children.


  • Use the front office restroom. As a safety precaution, adults should NEVER use student restrooms.

Siblings/Younger Children:

  • Please make arrangements for your little ones if you signed up to volunteer at an event inside the school, during school hours, for the workroom, parent reader, or the library. For safety reasons, younger siblings are not allowed in the school during school hours.

Volunteer Hours:

  • Before volunteering, make sure you registered and created a volunteer profile on the Katy ISD Raptor site.
  • When you are at school, the Raptor system logs your hours automatically.
  • If you volunteer outside of the school (ex. at home), please log into the Raptor site and log your “OFF-Campus Hours.”
  • Every hour volunteered at Pattison is reported to Katy ISD (this includes writing emails, cutting out workbasket materials, planning meetings for an event, driving around collecting donations, etc.)